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Tuesday Student Seminars

The purpose of the Tuesday student seminars is to:

  • give students a venue to present their research to a diverse (in terms of background and research interests) audience
  • help students to improve their presentation skills
  • give students an opportunity to learn what their colleagues are doing
  • give other members of the genetics community an opportunity to learn about student research going on throughout GMB

Friday Faculty Seminars

The purpose of the Friday faculty seminars is to:

  • provide exposure to cutting-edge research from around the country and world
  • give students a chance to invite and host speakers they select
  • give students a chance to meet with speakers from other institutions

Attendance Policies

Students in GMB are required to attend both seminar series during years 2 and 3 of graduate school. They will register for GNET 702 and GNET 703 each semester and will receive a graduate grade (H/P/L) for each.

  • Students are excused in the following cases:

o  Illness or other medical reason (if you’re well enough to spend the day in lab, you’re well enough to come to seminar; if you are ill, please stay home and spare the rest of us!).  Documentation is not necessary, but you are bound by the honor code.
o  Scheduled scientific events (conferences, visiting speakers, etc.).  This does not include trying to finish an experiment; these should be planned around your other obligations.
o  Conflicts related to coursework, including TA assignments.
o  Other reasons approved in advance by the Director of Graduate Studies or course instructor(s).

  • Two unexcused absences are allowed per semester for each seminar series. Three unexcused absences will result in a grade of L. Five or more unexcused absences will result in a failing grade. Per Graduate School policies, a grade of F or six credits of L renders a student ineligible to continue their graduate studies.


Students are expected to act like responsible, adult members of the scientific community and like good colleagues of their fellow students. This includes:

  • Arriving on time for seminars.

o  Late arrival counts as half an unexcused absence (unless lateness was due to circumstances beyond your control)
o  For Tuesday seminars, food and beverages are no longer available once introductions begin; however, refills on drinks will be available during the break for those students that arrived on time.

  • Staying until the end of the seminar. The question and answer period is part of the seminar, even when the speaker rudely goes over time. Conflicts, such as a class that starts right after the scheduled period for the seminar, need to be brought to the Director’s attention ahead of time.
  • Paying attention to the talks.


Unacceptable behaviors include:

  • Using your electronic device (computer, phone, tablet), except for taking notes, provided it doesn’t disturb others around you.
  • Reading papers or other materials.
  • Talking (except to ask questions or to make brief comments about the material being presented)

Any student observed engaging in these behaviors will be counted as absent for that seminar.


Students that meet the above expectations will receive a P. It is hoped that students will ask questions in both seminar series. Students that regularly ask questions may receive an H.